Interestingly enough, women that are on estrogen supplements often experience no significant thyroid changes, however about 40 % of these women that were also taking thyroid medication, did experience a reduction in their T4 (thyroxin) levels and did begin to show signs of hypothyroidism.
The June 7, 2016 by the New England Journal Medicine found that some women that developed elevated amounts of estrogen produced low amounts of the thyroid hormone, Thyroxin.
Dr. Baha M. Arafah in his study identified the fact that estrogen therapy has interfered with thyroid medication and can reduce the amount of Thyroxin in the blood stream.
Medical studies also listed the following causes for estrogen dominance but did not indicate which type of estrogen was elevated:
. Estrogen is high and progesterone is low
. Estrogen is high and progesterone is normal
. Estrogen is normal and progesterone is low
I have also wondered why intermediate hormones are often measured and used as the absolute end hormone, when they are not.
The medical literature indicates that if a patient has proper transference enzymes, than the following transference will occur:
Cholesterol > Pregnenolone > Progesterone > Cortisol
For more information on this subject, please Google, Why are Intermediate Hormones Being Used Instead of Direct Cortisol Replacements, with my name.
The internet also lists the three thyroid imbalances caused by estrogen dominance:
1) Estrogen dominance can affect conversion from T4 to T3
2) Too much estrogen can block the availability and use of the
thyroid hormones.
3) Estrogen can increase Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) and
bind the thyroid hormones and cause a state of
4) Elevated estrogen is the key component for causing a
suppressed immune system and causing autoimmunity to
My clinical observations in canines, felines and humans, indicate that in postmenopausal state that has measures a low estradiol, but are still estrogen dominant; their estrogen dominance is coming from their inner layer adrenal cortex, which is rarely measured, but can be measured as total estrogen.
This elevation in adrenal estrogen comes from the development of a deficient, defective or bound cortisol that is being produced by the middle layer of the adrenal cortex, referred to as the Zona Fasciculata.
Why progesterone therapy appears to help, is because it is converted into cortisol, which funds this negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis.
What happens when the cortisol is imbalanced and cannot fund the negative feedback mechanism to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis?
The hypothalamus continues to produce the hormone, referred to as CRF, which in turn will stimulate the pituitary gland to release the hormone referred to as ACTH.
Because the cortisol is imbalanced, and can no longer fund the negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, the inner layer adrenal cortex, referred to as the Zona Reticularis, responds in a direct feedback mechanism, producing excessive amounts of adrenal estrogen and androgen.
This is why postmenopausal women can have low amounts of ovarian estradiol and can still be estrogen dominant, because of an excess amount of estrogen that is being produced by the inner layer adrenal cortex.
In this instance, being prescribed an estrogen supplement only because of a deficient estradiol could be disastrous.
I have treated over 100,000 cases of allergies, autoimmune diseases and cancer in male and female canines and felines after they had their ovaries and testicles surgically excised.
I have also been involved with MD’s and their patients that were postmenopausal with low measurable amounts of ovarian estradiol, with huge amounts of adrenal estrogen.
If you Google The Results of an International Conference of MD Oncologists with my name, you will see some of the results of applying my syndrome and treatments successfully to three human patients. Two women had metastatic cancer lesions and one had Hashimoto’s Syndrome.
Most human laboratories believe that their total estrogen tests, also includes the three ovarian estrogens.
My clinical observations indicate that ovarian estrogen is not included in my test results, based upon the fact that my patients have all had their ovaries removed.
It would be important to determine if other types of estrogen were being included with adrenal estrogen in humans, merely by testing estradiol, estrone and estriole, and adding up their total values and comparing them to the results attained by measuring total estrogen.
The medical literature suggests that while a woman is still menstruating, estradiol is the main estrogen that is produced.
Estrone is the main estrogen that is produced after menopause begins.
Estriole is the main estrogen that is produced during pregnancy and in young women.
The best time to test the three estrogens, including total estrogen is on the 7th day of the menstrual cycle when the ovaries are the least active and again on the 23rd to the 24th day when the ovaries are the most active.
This should give an indication if the adrenal estrogen is elevated or not.
LabCorp does have available values for the ovarian estrogens, at various times during the human female’s menstrual cycle.
My clinical observations also suggests, that the endocrine system regulates the immune system.
My clinical observations are as follows:
1) It takes a normal amount of cortisol to convert T4 into T3.
2) The elevated adrenal estrogen will cause the following problems:
. It binds the receptor sites for T3 and T4 and causes a state of
hypothyroidism, even when the T3 and T4 levels are normal.
. Elevated adrenal estrogen will increase the amount of Thyroid Binding Globulin, which in turn will make T3 and T4 levels unavailable for use in the patient.
. The elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen will cause inflammation of the endothelial cells that line all the arteries in the patient’s body.
NOTE: There is a definite concern about inflammation of the cerebral arteries in patients that have Alzheimer’s Syndrome.
. The elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen will cause
deregulation of the immune system. When this happens the
B-lymphocyte will not protect the body against bacterial
infections and will reduce its production of immunoglobulins
(antibodies). When this occurs and the mucous membrane
antibody, referred to as IgA, is below 58mg/dL in canines and
felines and is below 68 mg/ dL in humans, many types of oral
medication will not be properly absorbed including
prescribed, thyroid medications.
This will be one more reason why an animal or
human can be taking recommended amounts of
thyroid hormone and can still remain hypothyroid.
. The elevated amounts of adrenal estrogen will also deregulate
the T- lymphocyte and reduce its functions to protect the
patient against chronic viral, fungal and mold diseases.
. The elevated adrenal estrogen causes the immune system to
also not recognize normal tissue in the body referred to as
“self’. This may be one way that autoimmune diseases may
. As far has cancer is concerned, it is interesting to note that
when normal tissue is exposed to estrogen in a Petri dish, the
normal tissue will grow in and uncontrolled state.
The time has come for the medical profession to begin testing total estrogen and immunoglobulins, along with whatever other tests they think are indicated.
My testing protocol for possible hypothyroid patients and estrogen dominant patients, involves the following serum tests:
. Total estrogen
. Cortisol
. Total T3
. Total T4
. Immunoglobulin A
. Immunoglobulin M
. Immunoglobulin G
I hope you will give careful consideration to these issues, as I have found them to of vital importance for the healing diseases and saving lives during my 50 years of trying to find better ways of helping my patients.
Dr. AL Plechner
The post Can Estrogen Dominance Affect Thyroid Hormones? appeared first on Dr. Alfred Plechner.